Morgan is absolutely stunning and her eyes are literally crystal blue! Morgan is not only beautiful but she is hilarious as well! Pretty much everyone knows that I am rarely serious and so kidding around with seniors is the best part of my job! Plus when the wind is blowing 30-40 miles an hour and your fighting hair to stay in place, its hard not to kid around to make the best out of a classic Texas day!
Morgan picked great outfits and the headband she chose is still one of my favorites! I love all the locations we picked to match her style and and personality and now the hard part is picking favorites for the blog!
I think the river photos are some of my favorites because the sun trickled around the trees making it golden
yet moody. Very cool and unpredictable! Also I have to say a big thanks to Morgans Mom for driving all around town!
Chasing the sun is always a challenge in Texas but so worth it in the end!
Wishing you all the best Morgan and congratulations on your senior year!!
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