I love this family and they are always up for my quirky photography ideas. As many of you may know, I am not a huge fan of using props in my photo sessions but this year I kinda went crazy! Thankfully my wife put up with me taking more time away from the family to build the handy tree stand which will make a decent work bench or garden stand when not in use 🙂 I also took out my 1965 Beetle which we used on to hold a Christmas Tree. Sadly however my Bug got the raw end of things and took a little bit of damage! While on route to the shoot I got rear ended or hit and run by a teenager driving a pickup truck! Just when I thought he would pull over and exchange info he tore off down the road and disappeared around a corner! Your probably wondering why I didn’t chase the kid? Well for those of you who don’t know much about classic VW Bugs, they aren’t the fastest’s cars on the block! So trying to catch a V8 with a 40 horsepower motor wasn’t gonna happen. Fortunately it only cost me the deck lid or engine cover which I quickly found on a Bug restoration site.
(Cost me just over $100 bucks) She’s a tuff old Beetle!
Anyways, enough about the props and on to the photo session! Again I love this family and we had a great time taking pictures with the tree stand and the kids loved the crafty fire and Smores! I may have gotten a tad to adventurous by renting a snow machine and then attempting to operate and take pictures at the same time. Probably need to bring an assistant next time! I love the results and cannot wait to figure out what in the world Im doing for next Christmas!

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