Masons senior shoot was too cool! There are a ton of photos from his session! And these aren’t all of them!
I have been waiting to post his photos for a LONG TIME! Since 2021! Flashback— I was just posting his photos to my social media account when my Instagram and Facebook accounts were frozen and subsequently deleted! (See prior post)
Now that seniors are graduating, I can take a slight breather to update my social media and my blog!! SO stay tuned for lots of recent and old posts!
I could not begin to pick a favorite photo from Masons shoot, but if I had to pick, it would be the first three photos. The sunlight and the setting were the best! The entire shoot was just laid back and it was fun collaborating with Masons style. Mason is a great guy and I am so grateful I that I had the opportunity to meet him and take his senior photos!

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